Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Here's what I use when I run : )

When I started running, it seemed really simple... but then as the days went by, there were new little tweaks and issues that crept up and I had to find good solutions.

I have this wonderful state of the art new android phone (HTC Evo through Sprint, which I love) that can help me track my distance and direct me through the Couch-to-5k program, and play music at the same time, but I am also a huge large Amazon and can't find a phone-holder-exercise-case thing that fits around my mammoth upper arm. I see other people running with ipods and phones on a velcro band around their arm, but alas, this is not the solution for me.

I'd resigned to the fact that I'd probably have to just find a fannypack of some kind and look like a giant nerd during my workouts. I went to Sun & Ski Sports and explored, and VOILA! Perfection.

This "waist pack" is made for distance runners to keep their keys and "gel energy packs" in (I have no need for the gel energy packs at this point). As luck would have it, the back section fits my giant awesome phone perfectly : ) I also carry a rescue inhaler since I'm asthmatic, and my keys. The waistband is adjustable, and the whole thing is really exactly what I needed.

To time my workouts, I use the "C25K Pro" app on my phone (I know there are droid apps and also iphone apps for C25K). It has each workout in the series and will "ding" at me when I am supposed to start/stop running. It has a different little ding at the end, when you're to begin your cool-down. It even has a little explanation at the top of the screen, letting you know what your workout will be like for the day.

It'll also provide you with music if you choose. I prefer, most days, to run without music... but sometimes you need the distraction, and some people run better with a good beat behind them.

C25K Pro will show you your progress via happy little green bars on workouts completed... you can always re-run a workout if you desire.

To keep track of my distance, time, pace, etc. I use the "Runkeeper" app. In the past, I also used FitTrack (for Palm OS). Runkeeper allows you to choose your activity, then it will track you. You do need a phone with GPS capability to use this app.

I'll have to remember to take a pic of Runkeeper after a run one of these days, so I can show you the cool little graph and stuff : )

Next, we have shoes. Finding the right pair of shoes is pretty important. There are lots of runner-specific stores that will help fit you and choose the right shoes for you based on your stride, the way your feet move, etc. Don't be afraid, go in there, let them know your fitness level (I know, sometimes it's obvious that we aren't little marathon runner people... but just let them know of your plans so they can help). In Houston, Luke's Locker, Fleet Feet, and Tri On The Run are great examples. These are stores where in most cases, the people who work there love to run and want everyone to have a great running experience.

Shoes can be the answer to hip pain, knee pain, foot pain... suffice it to say they can really make a difference; especially when you're overweight and getting back into a fitness routine. Your body is taking on a lot of added pressure carrying around the extra weight, so be nice to your feet!

I have always been a Nike girl, they fit my feet really well and accommodate for my super-high arches. I don't remember the model name of my shoes, but here they are, my morning companions:

Freddy thinks they smell fantastic.

Some other important points to touch on are bra/undies/wardrobe...

Finding a good sportsbra that really holds the ladies in place can be incredibly frustrating when you're a chesty pear. I don't think the people designing athletic wear understand the plight of the overweight person-- we bounce in every direction and need some support and restraint! We need underwire, and we need a cup that a breast can actually fit into. Smooshing the uni-boob to the chest is really not enough.

They don't sell the good ones at Academy or Sports Authority. I even went to a local lingerie shop and was fitted for an athletic bra-- it was great, but I found an even greater bra at the Hanes outlet... evidently the Champion brand falls under their umbrella. This bra is ridiculously hard to put on, but man, once you get it on it's PERFECT. Support, restraint, minimization, and... would you believe it, SEPARATION!!!!! It's not a sit-around-the-house-comfy bra, this bra means business. It's a love-hate relationship, but I love it so much when it's doing a great job for me and I don't have to worry about crazy chest bounce.

I give you... the Champion Powerback Underwire Sports Bra! They even come in black or white. No, this is of course NOT me modeling the bra.

Undies! My favorite everyday undies are, as I've found out, not ideal for running, especially if you have the beautiful flap of bellyfat hanging below your navel. I like a nice boyshort, but those kind of inch BELOW the fat-flap as it bounces during running, which leads to wardrobe malfunctions aplenty over the course of a short run. There are a few different fixes to this problem-- Under Armour makes a compression garment (kind of like biker shorts or spanx) that you can wear to keep the bulge under control, but I found that the best solution for me was to get some good old granny-panties. Undies that come up high on the waist over the fat! This way, they don't fall down like those crazy boyshorts. Boy, life as an undie model must be one thrill after another.

There is certainly a HUGE selection of different underwear types out there, and you'll just have to experiment and find out what works best for you.

Socks... I loooooove these little Balega socks. They're thin (not big fuzzy socks) and have a big part that sticks out over the heel of your shoe to keep them from creeping down into the shoe itself, which is annoying. I purchased them at Fleet Feet... and can't find them on the internet to share with you right now.

If you like a thicker sock, Thor-lo is the way to go. I have to get the ones that are a little taller, though, because the tiny below-ankle ones slide down into my shoes during a run.

Tops: I generally opt for a tank top. Dark color. Thin cotton or microfiber. Those running tops are never a good fit on the chesty part of this pear, and a lot of them have that annoying little tiny shelf-bra that does NO ONE over the age of 10 any good during vigorous exercise.

Bottoms: I like a capri-length very fitted workout pant, preferably with a little Lycra in it and a slight flare below the knee. You can get Champion brand stuff at Target pretty inexpensively. I bought a couple of pair of Adidas pants at Academy a couple of years ago and now I can't find ANYTHING like them... I'm hoping these are immortal pants that never die. The Gap also has some good Lycra running options most of the time, in varying lengths.

I like fitted, because quite frankly my thighs touch. Shorts are OUT, because they bunch up and ride. That's totally embarassing-- and nobody needs extra reasons to be embarassed during a workout... Yoga pants and the like, well those are out too, because they kind of bunch and don't come up high enough on the waist to cover my super high granny-panties.

Maybe one day I'll suit up and take a pic for you in my running gear. To be honest, ignorance is bliss and I'd really rather not know what I look like; I'll just keep on pretending I look like the chick on the front of the Gap Athleta magazine ; )

Please share any of your great finds here... share share share!


  1. I want to super-double-triple emphasize what you said about running shoes. They are absolutely the MOST important gear that you will purchase to run in!

    A couple of other items in my arsenal:

    Body Glide.... for the chub rub. It's a stick (like deodorant) and you put in anywhere any chafing might occur. I forgot it Saturday and the results were not pretty.

    Bondi Bands! These hair bands rock! They are cute, comfortable, and keep the sweat out of my eyes.

  2. I didn't even think about hair, because mine is so short... one barette and mye ars do the trick.

    I need to get some body glide because I went bike riding the other day and my princess toes developed huge blisters in one spot (from rubbing on one another). I'm certain when I start running longer distances I'll need something to reduce chafing on my inner arms.

    Thanks Kristi : )

  3. For bras, Title Nine has a great selection. Years ago, I had several chesty friends who swore by the Frog Bra. But from what I hear, the 7 Wonders Bra is a newer and better one.

  4. Kasey, I totally agree with BodyGlide! Check out my review on it here:

    Also, I recently wrote a post about summer running and some of my suggestions for dealing with the heat here:

    Hope that helps! Good luck with running, and don't forget to sign up for some fall races!

  5. Another vote for Body Glide! Also, if you have issues with your toes (I do--princess toes, indeed), Body Glide sells a product for feet, which seems redundant, but it's easier to put on over all the different surfaces on your feet.

  6. Dana, I shall now research the frog bra... and also the 7 wonders : )

    Kate, my second-to-last toe is curly and has a big flat surface against the neighbor toe. i rode my bike to the park to run the other day when my car was in the shop, and when i was running it felt like there was sand between my toes or something. when i took my shoes off, i was surprised to find a lovely giant blister on that whole surface of BOTH curly princess toes. I felt very "I am old, I can't even ride a bike without blistering" the blisters ended up going away in a couple of days. i will definitely lube up the toes before bike riding next time.

    thanks monica! i can't wait to go read your links : ) i'm due to finish up c25k on 9/22, so i'm going to look for some 5k's in the fall. smaller ones... i was way overwhelmed at the komen race last year.

    Thanks so much, ladies, for the chatting and hints and continued inspiration and support.
