Friday, September 3, 2010

Rainy Morning = Treadmill Running

Background: My last run was Week 6 Day 2 of c25k on Monday. It's Friday. It's been a big busy week, and I have not made the time for myself to run. Last night I was telling myself that I really needed to make the time for running today, so that I don't get off track with my c25k goals... and also, so I don't feel like crap.

So I woke up this morning in the dark to the sounds of roaring thunder and some flashes of lightning (oh and to my alarm, and my husband Jack shaking my shoulder to wake me up so I would turn off my alarm. I'm a heavy sleeper).

I was immediately not happy, because this meant I probably couldn't go to the park and finish off week 6 today. I got up and got dressed anyway, because at this point it wasn't raining. Once I was dressed, it started pouring so I went back to bed in my running It was a nice little snuggle-time, though, I won't deny! Jack's alarm clock went off eventually, and I snoozed through the rain until he was done with his shower. I decided I was going to run no matter what, that I wasn't going to let rain be an excuse. I know that I'll start feeling fat and crabby if I don't get some good exercise in. I don't want that to happen.

I put on my shoes, drove toward the park because the rain seemed to be letting up. No dice, it was definitely raining at the park. I considered running in the rain, but then decided I have a perfectly good YMCA membership and maybe I should try running on the treadmill today! *furrowed brow and mad face because I hate the treadmill*

To add perceived insult to injury, I cued up w6d3 on my Evo and saw that it was not really intervals of running.

It was 25 minutes of straight running. How on earth was I going to EVER accomplish that with having "rested" for 3 days since my last run, which had nothing remotely near 25 minutes of straight running? IMPOSSIBLE. I was surely going to suffer, but alas, I decided to try. I told myself that i would run for 15 minutes, and if I made it that far, I would be done and re-do this workout another day.

5 Minute warm-up, then I began running. After 5 minutes of running I was pretty sure I wasn't even going to make it to 10 minutes... but I plugged along and made it to 10. Then I made it to 15, and suddenly I was thinking I would definitely push it to 20. Then once I hit 20, I was feeling good and decided what's 5 more? AND I FINISHED IT... the whole 25 minutes. To be honest, I could have kept going. I couldn't believe it!

I kept looking down to see what my distance was, and I'd picture myself in the park at approximately that distance, and think about how far it would be to the end of the loop again. I also had my little treadmill tv on "America's Funniest Home Videos" which was helpful : )

I am so pumped and ready to get back to my pretty park trail and tackle week 7!

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